(Comeon how many presidents are this cool?)
Ok so with my Obama post earlier I wrote nuff said. Well i guess that wasn't nuff said. I'm gona take this space to explain how Obama has to be the coolest president (soon to be) ever. First of all look at the picture above, that just shows how chill and cool Obama is. On top of that, apparently some 8 year old girl sent Obama a letter, in the letter was a reccomendation of a dog he should get for his two daughters, along with some other things. Well guess what, Obama actually mailed her back and give her a detailed response to everything she asked for and said, how many other people would even bother to reply back to the letter of a little girl? Probably none.
I Know all the junk thrown on this blog is supposed to be funny and very entertaining, but our end goal is to ensure that the readers leave the blog feeling better about themselves through a laugh or something else. I want you guys to read the article below, hopefully it makes all the Obama haters chill the fudge out, and for the Obama supporters, feel that much better about their voting decision and feel confident that the future will be better than the past 8 years.
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