So what the bitch is a nard?
Nerd + retard (not in the handicapped sense) = Nard
These aren't just your typical nerds, they are like 9000x worse, they annoy the crap out of you way more, and during any convo they talk about D&D the whole freaking time. They pretend that the world is exactly like (Place RPG name here).
So nerds are normally smart and pretty lame right? Right, well nards are not smart at all, and did I mention they are f'ing annoying? These guys try to be smart, but fail ultra hard because bs stuff like d&d gets involved.
So what about geeks, are they kinda like geeks? HELL NO, geeks know stuff about technology and are decent at that junk (some of them), nards can't ever be seen with such things. At this point you may be wondering how so many nards play WoW, well here's how they pull that off, you know those Geeksquad people, and the dudes at BestBuy, the nards get their help in setting up their computers. So yeah there are people who use those services.
Anyways, remember stay away from nards cause there is no benefits of being acquainted with them.
**By the way just a tip, if you ever want to freak out / piss off a nard, just hit em up on msn/aim/chat program of choice and send them a .jpeg picture, or hell any picture. 100% chance that they will think that a keylogger or virus is involved, and they may threaten to call the cops on you, but don't worry you won't go to jail because you aren't doing anything harmfull :D. **
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