a) a garbage bag and be a f'ing lame ghost thing
b) ripped clothes and be a hobo
c) all black clothes and be a emo kid
d) your normal clothes and be your lame ass normal self
e) a pillow case over your head along with a white bedsheet (not explaining this)
b) ripped clothes and be a hobo
c) all black clothes and be a emo kid
d) your normal clothes and be your lame ass normal self
e) a pillow case over your head along with a white bedsheet (not explaining this)
f) vampire teeth (seriously if you do this, you might as well jump into a pile of snow, and or freezer and just freeze yourself and wait around till vampire teeth are cool again [aka never].
g) lame ass mask from dollar store of choice
Here are some more costumes you should not wear:
I seriously reccomend not wearing any of the junk posted above it's guaranteed to ruin everyones fun and as a direct result you will lose your girlfriend/boyfriend along with all your friends (Including your online friends).
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