1. To get a job after university
2. To not be homeless after 4 years of schooling
3. To find an excuse to drink everyday
3. To find an excuse to drink everyday
4. To enjoy what you're studying

Seem's like Arts majors totally missed steps 1 and 2 which are absolutely crucial. No worries though, they'll have plenty of time for number 3 in the years to come. Just look at all the viable career options for arts majors. Well there's teaching your useless subject to future generations, there's becoming a lawyer, and there's using your creativity to make a sign asking for money. Just look at the happy arts major off to the left! Jokes aside, apart from Law there really isn't that much you can do with an art degree to make it worth the thousands of dollars in debt you undertake. The world is littered with video store clerks and cashiers with BA's not doing remotely related to their education. Why noone has caught on to this and continue to get further into debt to "do what they love" is beyond me. They'd be better off saving their money and avoiding a future of knock-off pepsi-cola and fried chicken.
two words come to mind when i hear "art major"...
CARDBOARD BOX - their new home. great topic
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