Watchu Sayin: lollers



Back with another edition of Watchu Sayin. You are probably all sick of saying the words we introduced over and over and are just craving for more new words to throw at your friends/parents. Well don't worry Jimmy we have your back!

The word of the day is: LOLLERS. 

This one may throw you off balance, cause you know what lol is, but what the garbage is the rest of the bs. Well its what makes it a full word and not an acronym. 
Here is some context in which the word is used. 

-Hey guy you see the new Adam Sandler movie? It was so lollers. 
-Man Jill was so lollers yesterday
-That picture posted above is so f'ing lollers (seriously check it out)
--You can simply replace the word lol with lollers too. It's pretty much like lolz, or lulz, which pretty much mean "laughs". 

So Lollers pretty much means funny. 


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