Watch this 100 times and you will still laugh.
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: PETA
Serious Business: Elections
Blizzards of promises, duelling ideologies, tricky platforms -- it's tough enough for an informed voter to make sense of election choices, but what if you're like one in five who can't even read or write?Your voter card that comes in the mail contains 13 sets of written instructions alone -- a huge challenge for the 20 per cent of adults in many cities, including London-Middlesex, who can't read the directions on a simple medicine label.
Elections Canada is reaching out to those with low literacy skills -- that's about half of all Canadians, including those with only basic reading and writing skills -- before the Oct. 14 federal election.
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: Fat People Salads
Jesus? Forget that guy, Bring on RAPTOR JESUS!
Meme: Some bs thing that is normally spewed out by 12 year olds on popular internet hangouts, such as forums and You Tube, which gain a lot of attention and then 5 seconds later every other dumbass is saying it.
Anyways, back to raptor jesus. 50 bucks says that some kid simply cut a picture of a raptors head and pasted it on Jesus, then he went on some religous forum thread and said something along the lines of "LOLLLLLLLWTF JESUS IS SO LAME, RAPTOR JESUS IS WHERE ITS AT (random swearword)". Then John Mathison (some kid who got access to the computer because he was doing "research") saw the picture and fell out of his chair laughing. The two idiots got together and started spamming the picture of Raptor Jesus everywhere. Approximately 4 minutes later the forum was filled with nothing but pictures of Raptor Jesus.
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: Bikers
Stylin: Belts
You also don't have to buy a "belt", because pretty much anything can me made into a belt. Here are some things that can be used as belts:
- Extension Cable
- Random cloth
- Guitar Strings (seriously dangerous)
- Medals
- Headphones
- Video Game controller
- and a gazzilion other things.
Those that want to look just plain "unique" should take a normal leather belt and add a belt buckle to it.
Explodicon Lexicon: STWB
Keeping it real with Ol Man Jenkinz: Wearing Belts
Implodicon Award: Lil Wayne
My criteria compared to your career just isn't fair
I'm a venereal disease
Like a menstrual—bleed"
Never answer when it's private
Damn I hate a shy bitch
Don't you hate a shy bitch?
Yeah I ate a shy bitch
She ain't shy no more, she changed her name to my bitch
Yeah nigga, that's my bitch
So when she ask for the money when you through don't be surprised, bitch"
But I would like for you to pay me by the hour"
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: Arts Majors
3. To find an excuse to drink everyday

Indian Thriller
Stylin: Dunks
At explodicon we believe that everyone should roll the streets in ultimate style. You may be thinking "How the crap do i achieve this style!?", well don't fret cause we will be teaching you exactly what to wear and how to wear it (if applicable).
Lesson #1, shoes. The most vital part of your style are your shoes, these sucks you gota wear everday so you have to make sure that what you have is the best on the block. We support Nike Dunks (not paid for by nike). At the moment our editors are rocking out in Purple Pigeons Dunks Sb(shown above). The purple pigeons were introduced in November 06, so they may be going for $200+, and are ultra hard to find. So if you see em' cop em'. Wearing these suckas will make you be the target of envy on your block and like 34 other blocks in the surrounding area, no one will even bother questioning the purple!
Thats all we got for today, check back some other time for more stylin tips
Explodicon Lexicon: Bonokkake
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: Hippies
It's over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wus goin on suckas yesterday we started talking about memes and gave you a small taste. Today we give you another one, more of you may recognize this one.
Keeping it real with Ol Man Jenkinz: Fauxhawks
Whatchu Sayin?: Bomb
Now that awesome is the most overused word in the history of the world we think its time for it to pass its crown. We here at explodicon have replaced the word with bomb.
Bomb can also replace words like:
To help you learn how to use the word we will use it in a non bias sentence. "Man explodicon is the most bomb blog I have ever seen."
Now that you have learned a new(ish) word go out there and start using it excessively and make this world a better place!
So you've been kidnapped...
Things Destroying the Fabric of the Universe: People who can't rap that rap.
Watchu Sayin?: Foo
Next best thing
We here at explodicon are aware of internet "memes", many of you probably have no idea what they are so to help you learn we will give you a small taste. This video combines the awesome of random rap music with everyones favorite predator.
Explodicon Lexicon: Cockwalrus Factor
Cockwalrus Factor (n.)
We here at Explodicon believe in enriching your word power. So every once in a while we will introduce our readers with a new term or phrase that can be used in their everyday speech. Today’s word is Cockwalrus Factor.
Professor Michael P. Cockwalrus, currently a Professor Emeritus at the College of Applied Theoretic, empirically deduced the formula to measure one’s Cockwalrus Factor.
Cf. = D /G
Where Cf. is the Cockwalrus Factor, D is how big of a douche you are and G is how many girls you’ve slept with. Cockwalrus Factors over 2 are considered extremely douchey and may result in popped collars, gold chains and excessive steroid abuse. Persons with a Cockwalrus factor over 2 may be referred to as a Megacockwalruses.
Famous persons with a high Cockwalrus Factor: Tom Brady, Mark Wahlberg, all Guidos