Jesus? Forget that guy, Bring on RAPTOR JESUS!

Moving away from the You Tube memes, today Raptor Jesus Will be introduced. Before I explain him out i'm gona talk about memes a bit more. They don't just exist in You Tube form they can be pretty much anywhere on the intrawebz. I'm gonna throw the definition of memes out for you guys (should have been done in the first meme post).

Meme: Some bs thing that is normally spewed out by 12 year olds on popular internet hangouts, such as forums and You Tube, which gain a lot of attention and then 5 seconds later every other dumbass is saying it.

Anyways, back to raptor jesus. 50 bucks says that some kid simply cut a picture of a raptors head and pasted it on Jesus, then he went on some religous forum thread and said something along the lines of "LOLLLLLLLWTF JESUS IS SO LAME, RAPTOR JESUS IS WHERE ITS AT (random swearword)". Then John Mathison (some kid who got access to the computer because he was doing "research") saw the picture and fell out of his chair laughing. The two idiots got together and started spamming the picture of Raptor Jesus everywhere. Approximately 4 minutes later the forum was filled with nothing but pictures of Raptor Jesus.


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