You guys probably had a lot of fun today, but i'm gona take a strong guess and say that your workplace was probably kinda like this:
Yo yo so its halloween today and many of you will probably end up watching a horror movie with your friends, and there is probably a 80% chance that the movie is brought over by your friend that just so happens to own every movie in the world. Well guess what kids, that dude you know, he probably downloads those movies! So i'm gona get right into it and explain why movie piracy, as well as other types of piracy is wrong and is directly responsible for the deaths of baby pandas and other cuddly animals you like. Be prepared to read a long ass post about the law and you!
Psych, fudge that junk!
Instead i am gona put this video in, lets ask Bender from Futurama some questions regarding stealing
What NOT to wear for halloween

a) a garbage bag and be a f'ing lame ghost thing
b) ripped clothes and be a hobo
c) all black clothes and be a emo kid
d) your normal clothes and be your lame ass normal self
e) a pillow case over your head along with a white bedsheet (not explaining this)
b) ripped clothes and be a hobo
c) all black clothes and be a emo kid
d) your normal clothes and be your lame ass normal self
e) a pillow case over your head along with a white bedsheet (not explaining this)
f) vampire teeth (seriously if you do this, you might as well jump into a pile of snow, and or freezer and just freeze yourself and wait around till vampire teeth are cool again [aka never].
g) lame ass mask from dollar store of choice
Here are some more costumes you should not wear:
I seriously reccomend not wearing any of the junk posted above it's guaranteed to ruin everyones fun and as a direct result you will lose your girlfriend/boyfriend along with all your friends (Including your online friends).
Watchu Sayin?: Nard

So what the bitch is a nard?
Nerd + retard (not in the handicapped sense) = Nard
These aren't just your typical nerds, they are like 9000x worse, they annoy the crap out of you way more, and during any convo they talk about D&D the whole freaking time. They pretend that the world is exactly like (Place RPG name here).
So nerds are normally smart and pretty lame right? Right, well nards are not smart at all, and did I mention they are f'ing annoying? These guys try to be smart, but fail ultra hard because bs stuff like d&d gets involved.
So what about geeks, are they kinda like geeks? HELL NO, geeks know stuff about technology and are decent at that junk (some of them), nards can't ever be seen with such things. At this point you may be wondering how so many nards play WoW, well here's how they pull that off, you know those Geeksquad people, and the dudes at BestBuy, the nards get their help in setting up their computers. So yeah there are people who use those services.
Anyways, remember stay away from nards cause there is no benefits of being acquainted with them.
**By the way just a tip, if you ever want to freak out / piss off a nard, just hit em up on msn/aim/chat program of choice and send them a .jpeg picture, or hell any picture. 100% chance that they will think that a keylogger or virus is involved, and they may threaten to call the cops on you, but don't worry you won't go to jail because you aren't doing anything harmfull :D. **
Maybe Jesus is a better Cleric?
This is what happens when you let nards into your Christmas thing. Be warned there is lots of junk you probably don't understand in this video, I sure as hell didn't understand like any of it. But it was still funny to see nards duke it out.
BAM! In the big leagues now

We are back again with some exciting freaking news! We have just received our 1000th unique visitor, so we in da big leagues now boys. On top of that we just obtained the domain WWW.EXPLODICON.COM to prove that we in da big leagues, now rather than grueling yourself to type in you can just skip that shi7 and go straight to
We would like to thank all our readers for reading our junk, and hope to reach the next stage of internet evolution stat.
The picture above shows our transformation from when we first started to now.
YouTube like you've never seen it before
Not even gona explain this one, just check out the video.
Not even gona explain this one, just check out the video.
Internet Party
How dating really works
How to determine how big of a douchebag you are
Keeping it real with Ol Man Jenkinz: Stocks
Anyways, it's fall now, so it's f'ing cold out now. I don't even feel like walking out to feed the pigeons anymore. So I just sit in mah living room and watch television all day now.
One day I was watching CNN and all they could talk about was some companies going bankrupt, and the stock market crashing, and everyone freaking out. I tuned in to CNN to stare at the gorgeous anchors not to see some garbage news about something i don't care about. What the hell is wrong with you kids now a days. You put all your hard earned (or not) cash into stocks, then when they drop you go out and cry and threaten to sue the companies. You should know that when you are putting your money into stocks, its not really going them, it is going straight into the pockets of the greedy bastards that run those companies. I remember one time my friend bought a share straight from a broker, the CEO happened to be right there, the money that my friend gave up suddenly left his hand and magically flew into the CEO's pocket. I really saw this happen for real!
So remember kids don't invest in the stockmarket, use that money to buy your kids some god damn proper clothing. I am sick of seeing all them kids with skulls and crosses on their t-shirts.
Don't even put that money in the bank! Cause they be stealing from you too. What i reccomend is take your cash and put it in the most safest place: under your matress. I been using this method since I was born and I never had any promblems.
(don't say anything about the picture, I don't support the banks or CEOs, or any of them companies, SO I DO WHAT I WANT)
Watchu Sayin: lollers

The word of the day is: LOLLERS.
This one may throw you off balance, cause you know what lol is, but what the garbage is the rest of the bs. Well its what makes it a full word and not an acronym.
Here is some context in which the word is used.
Here is some context in which the word is used.
-Hey guy you see the new Adam Sandler movie? It was so lollers.
-Man Jill was so lollers yesterday
-Man Jill was so lollers yesterday
-That picture posted above is so f'ing lollers (seriously check it out)
--You can simply replace the word lol with lollers too. It's pretty much like lolz, or lulz, which pretty much mean "laughs".
So Lollers pretty much means funny.
Site update: No we haven't died, all our slaves er...authors are simply busy as hell with real life. Yeah we aren't supposed to have one(like every other blogger), but we do. Its a good thing we do, since it is the go to place to get material to write bs about on the blog.
Anyways, Here again with another meme, this time a more recent one.
It's the objection! guy from phoenix wright. It is mostly used on forums to annoy the crap out of people (like many other memes). I'll explain how it works.
Guy 1: Hey guys did you check out the debate last night?
Guy 2: Yeah man I did, i think that mccain is a total douchebag and can't believe he is running for president.
Guy 4:
Anyways, Here again with another meme, this time a more recent one.
It's the objection! guy from phoenix wright. It is mostly used on forums to annoy the crap out of people (like many other memes). I'll explain how it works.
Guy 1: Hey guys did you check out the debate last night?
Guy 2: Yeah man I did, i think that mccain is a total douchebag and can't believe he is running for president.
Guy 4:

Guy 5: Wow thanks a lot dick..../ [SOME RELEVANT POST]
Guy 6: 

The picture is simply spamed over and over after every relevant post. Sometimes its constantly spamed.
Go ahead and try it out, on your forum or choice, or msn/aol/yahoo/etc. We guarantee you that within 5 minutes you will be banned or blocked. But don't worry you will atleast make someone laugh, which makes it all worth it!
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