Explodicon Lexicon: Cockwalrus Factor


Cockwalrus Factor (n.)

We here at Explodicon believe in enriching your word power. So every once in a while we will introduce our readers with a new term or phrase that can be used in their everyday speech. Today’s word is Cockwalrus Factor.

Professor Michael P. Cockwalrus, currently a Professor Emeritus at the College of Applied Theoretic, empirically deduced the formula to measure one’s Cockwalrus Factor. 

Cf. = D /G 

Where Cf. is the Cockwalrus Factor, D is how big of a douche you are and G is how many girls you’ve slept with. Cockwalrus Factors over 2 are considered extremely douchey and may result in popped collars, gold chains and excessive steroid abuse. Persons with a Cockwalrus factor over 2 may be referred to as a Megacockwalruses. 

Famous persons with a high Cockwalrus Factor: Tom Brady, Mark Wahlberg, all Guidos


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